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A Matter of Faith

Many Christian parents send their children off to college unaware of the challenges they might face or overly confident in the faith and training their children have received. But then they meet a winsome biology professor who presents evolutionary ideas to them in a way that seems to make sense. Or the philosophy professor provides them with a compelling argument they had never heard explaining why a first cause isn’t necessary to explain the universe. Doubts that have been hidden begin to come to the surface.

Situations like these and other pressures from peers will make it apparent whether the students’ professing faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is real, or if they have just been going through the motions. Rather than going through the motions, we must submit to Christ as Lord in every area of our life.

This film will provide a great opportunity for parents and students to engage in discussions about the authority of the Bible, what it means to follow Jesus, how to connect with a local church and other Christian students for encouragement, and how to defend the faith using various apologetic arguments. Understanding that there are only two basic foundations for a worldview—man’s words or God’s Word—is the key to coming to the right answers about these challenging questions. Whichever side you choose, there is always an element of faith. The question is in whom or what are you placing your faith.

“A Matter of Faith has a message that is highly relevant and desperately needed for America today. AiG doesn’t endorse many movies, even those that are supposedly ‘Christian’ based. We are fully behind A Matter of Faith as it defends the authority of the Bible beginning in Genesis.â€
-Ken Ham, Answers in Genesis

“A great movie. Heart-warming, educational, God-honoring, and timely.â€
-Ray Comfort, Living Waters Ministries

“A clash of worldviews puts a spotlight on the creation-evolution debate in this captivating film. A committed Christian dad, a doubting daughter, and a charismatic liberal professor stir up a lot of tension and intrigue on campus. It has solid Biblical principles and a gripping plot. Kudos to the Christianos for another outstanding family-friendly film.â€
-Tim Wildmon, President, American Family Association

Rachel Whitaker, a Christian girl, heads off to college for her much-anticipated freshman year. New friends create situations that require important, quick decisions—some about her social life, some about her core beliefs! Rachel begins to embrace the ideas of the university’s immensely popular biology professor (Harry Anderson) who boldly teaches that Darwinian evolution is the only logical explanation for the origin of life, and the Bible therefore cannot be true. When Rachel’s father (Jay Pickett) senses something changing in his daughter while she is home on a weekend visit, he begins to look into the situation and what he discovers catches him completely off guard. Now very concerned about Rachel drifting away from her Christian faith and the clear teachings of the Bible, he accepts an impossible challenge and tries to do something about it!

Bring the Movie to Your Area!

For information on how you or your group can bring the movie A Matter of Faith to your local theater and community, simply contact the producers, Christiano Film Group, at (949) 215-9121 and they will contact you soon. To help offset your time and expenses, this is a revenue sharing plan. Helping to get the film in theaters for opening weekend is the most important thing at this point.

Let’s work together to impact your community and our country with a message that moves the hearts of all ages. Help launch this great evangelistic drama in hundreds of theaters across America.


Inspiring! Families will love—and talk about—this Creator-honoring drama. It pulls the rug out from under the religion of evolution!
–Dale Mason, Publisher, Answers Magazine Great film. I believe this is a powerful conviction tool for Christians and a powerful ‘make you think’ tool for non-Christians.
–Robert Siebert, Minister, Hayesville, North Carolina This film is a powerful witness for our Creator and I know He will use this movie for His Glory. I am excited to be a part of this movie in our community. This is a subject that is dear to my heart.
–Kirk Bennett, Sponsoring Group, Ft. Wayne, Indiana Loved the film. You did a great job presenting the heart of the issue. Great movie for Christians and non-Christians! Good mix of humor and storyline with a solid Gospel message. The evolution debate is especially thought provoking and clearly shows the current misrepresentation in the schools.
–Rich Seyna, Journey Christian Church, Rochester, New York Just finished watching the movie. It was Christ honoring, Christ claiming and Christ proclaiming from start to finish! Well done.
–Jeremy Mickelson, Sponsoring Group, Warner Robins, Georgia This movie is powerful, moving, heartwarming and thought provoking. Most importantly, it sends a message that is Christ centered! Every Christian and non-Christian needs to see it!
–Michael Brown, Lake Alfred, Florida

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